half-heartedly i watch t.v. tonight
Half-heartedly I watch T.V. tonight.
Of course, I do this rarely. It narrows
Wide minds and numbs souls. But sometimes some shows
Attract my eye like the replay of red
Roses opening instantly or odd
Dervishes whirling their way to God.
Not one to pass by shows of nature, I
Especially notice a rose outside
My window drop spinning petals that glide
Erratically to earth. While within, blind
Rushing electrons shove stable comrades
Over the blurred edge of dark potential
Voids, but this weighs lightly on my mind.
A nerdy acrostic inspired by often seeing the poet wearing a denim jacket walking home along Melville Way toward the U City Loop. The poem is a poor imitation of his humor. Puns, anyone?
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